Music volume? What about your sound level?

Just got a Rat Shack sound level meter and find it interesting.I think I listen to my music pretty loud, but wonder about others of us.

Average listening levels 78-82 db
When I turn it up 84-90 db

Wonder how this compares to you folks.

Bigjoe, 130 db is about as loud as an airplane on the tarmac when the jets are pointed at your head...I hope you wear earplugs when you do that!
Here's a link to what Shure says about listening levels. It includes OSHA recommended limits on exposure to loud sounds. Tinnitus commences at 127dB. 130dB is the level reached at very loud rock concerts. 140dB levels can cause hearing loss no matter how short the time exposure. Nausea is experienced after only a few minutes listening that loud.

Bigjoe, Quest makes meters that are rated to 140dB.
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spl readings dont tell the truth from my listening chair,i measure spl's at 3ft but i sit at 20ft,still its as loud as a concert.

thanks for the tip hwy,i read a blog somewhere where a guy took some crazy rig up to about 150 spl for an entire song & got sick & had to lay down for the rest of the day,now that's too loud.

i blast it out real good but im carefull not to listen like that for extended periods.