Vibration control question....

If I have access to a 18"x12"x3" block of granite for my CD player, would it be best to use spikes or can I keep using the vibrapods that I am using now ? Thanks in advance for any input.
Have you ever been to the AudioPoints website and looked at reviews on the Audio Points and Sistrum stands

This is what I use with fantastic results!

Thorman, Did you try the coupling disc for use beneath the point, or just the Audiopoint directly onto the granite surface?
If using granite, try sticking linoleum to the underside, which can be an effective way to damp vibrations without sucking the life out of the music. Try cones or tiptoes in addition, the material of which depends upon what's underneath.
Millenium,is the transfer from energy to heat using these LAT vibra-killers explained clearly?I need to learn more about this as my curiousity[SP] is piqued.Thanks for your time and energy and sorry for hijacking this thread,Bob
I second Chuck's suggestion. Call Robert at Starsound. He'll make you an offer you can't refuse: Money back quarantee if you're not happy. Can't beat that with a stick. You won't return a thing. Amazing....warren :)