Power Cord for Power Conditioner

I'm trying to figure out if it is absolutely necessary to use a company's power cord with their power conditioners. No brand in particular.Any help would be appreciated.
thanks in advance,
"A removable power cord simply makes components easier to package and install."

It also makes it allot easier to ship worldwide to places that use a different style plug in the wall - or else each unit would need to be constructed for the specific country it is going to.
Hi all ! It does also make the component tunable .Many owners manuals talk about replacing the stock cord with an aftermarket cord . Hint : It isnt because the component manufacturers and the cable manufacturers are sleeping together .
Hmm, noticed that Lacee's favorite power cable manufacturer was using a Yokogawa oscilloscope for some development work.

I've got the same scope in our shop at work (and its big brother) and they come with a low cost detachable power cord. Depending on measurement location ours are often also tied to a really long extension cords, sometimes even a string of two or three.

I guess that since power cords change the output of quality electronics, all of the scope measurements are meaningless unless referenced to a specific power cord?? Weird that manufactures of measurement equipment for industry and medical services & etc don't know this stuff.
Jeff, our hobby is about sound.

Sure measurements matter,and so it goes.
Some folks are about sound, some are about measurements and seldom do the twain meet.

Sort of like politics.

Now , I think that your workplace would be the ideal location to insert a few upgraded power cords.

Then you can "listen" to hear the difference they make.

Oh, sorry about that,in your case it's not about the sound is it,so you are stuck with trying to let the measurements "speak" to you.

Like I said , two different worlds.
"Some folks are about sound, some are about measurements and seldom do the twain meet."

Agreed, but power cords don't know the difference between signal amplification for sound and signal amplification for measurement or any other purpose. Either they change the output of well designed equipment (putting research, medical diagnosis, and etc. at risk) or else they don't.
Would be interesting to visit someplace at the heart of state of the art electronics, say fermilab, and see if you can find one single 120v power cord that was beyond what you can buy at wall-mart.