Preamp inverts phase question:

The owners manual of my preamp indicates that the preamp inverts phase: the circuit is phase inverting. Does this mean that I need to hook my speaker cables up backwards to correct the phase inversion... do I hook the positive speaker cable to the negative speaker binding post and visa versa with the negative speaker cable connections on both speakers?
Rodman, your research and references were very interesting. In addition to covering many of the aspects of absolute polarity, they really hit home on the need for time and phase accurate speakers to have any chance of hearing polarity differences. They also made it clear that polarity is not just a leading edge effect, but can be heard in mid frequency continuous asymetrical waveforms. I did not realize that previously.

When you combine the phase inversions in mics, mixers and recording equipment, and the potential circuitry differences in a preamps polarity switches, you have a lot of variables even if you get the absolute polarity of your system correct. Still, I agree that is what you should do.

Since I do have time/phase speakers and a polarity switch on the pre, I think I'll do some listening similar to Jea and report back.
Jea48- I did experiment today. However, I was frustrated because I wasn't certain which of my CD's were recorded in absolute phase. My plan was to listen to a cd that was recorded in absolute phase and switch back and fourth; picking the set up that sounded the best. However, without being certain about the recording I didn't see any point. I sent an email to Pierre at Mapleshade and asked him which of his cd's that I own were recorded in absolute phase. I plan on figuring this thing out!
Rodman thanks for the links.

I also have the 'Chesky Jazz Sampler and Audiophile Test Compact Disc Vol 1'(JD37).
Great test CD for testing phase, the imaging test is very good as well, when the imaging test goes off stage far left or right, my imaging goes right to the side walls trying to bust it down.
I have used this test on a few other systems and when the imaging test goes off stage far left or right, the other systems almost go back to center or in that direction, don't know what up with that.

I just happy mine does what it should.
Adampeter- Pick up one of the test CDs I mentioned: ( ( They both have tests that will remove any doubt as to proper phasing on the recording.