Finite Elemente Cerabase vs Symposium Rollerblocks

Just wondering if anyone compared these two devices. I am considering using them under my transport. Other ones I am looking at are Equarack Equabearing and Aurios. Thanks in advance.
Hi, you have a nice system to! Main reason on cerepucs vs cerabase is cost. cerepucs were about $450 a set. cerebase like $800 from memory.

My dealer said not to worry with the cerabases on carpet. It doesn't need that coupling. Anyway, it sounded so much better, I never tried anything else. I could cut out th carpet/pad around the bases. I think I could hide it enough if I ever moved. Also, when I owned Symposium, they said the Ultra shelf is just fine on carpet.

I just moved to Austin a year ago. From Dallas. I left some great frieds, not sure I am sold just yet on Austin. I've been to Countyline. But my fionce's parents own a BBQ resturant in Llano, so I stick to that :).

I don't think you can go wrong with either of these. Both good. I went with the Finite Elemente set up for looks. I was hoping for better than my Arcici + some symposium extras. The Finite combo is wonderful. Suprised me how much better it sounded. Part of all my equipment fits (like the amps), so to be far, the Arcici never held my amps. Not sure if that would have closed the gap.

If you like precision engineering. The Finite Elemente stuff is up there with my SME turntable in killer metal working. Fantisic build quility.

Hi Tboooe, the signature rack has a weight limit of 25kg. If you have heavy components you cannot use it. I am 100% agreed with Jfrech. I have E12 with Harmonix RF-999MT under the spikes(I have tried spikes going thru carpet, with Harmonix is better. I have also tried Isoclean TT-009, still better than spikes going thru carpet). HD09 with Cerabase for power amp. I used them on carpet. I have not do comparison with Cerabase and Rollerblocks. I have Ultra with double sets rollerblocks on the top shelf for CD transport. They really improve the sound compare to the E12 alone. I find similiar result as Jfrech. With Rollerblocks alone, better highs but some of the bass is gone. With Ultra, it will add some bass. Background more quiet and better imagining. I have tried putting the Ultra on top of HD09, it doesn't sound as good as HD09 by itself. I put Aurios MIB between HD09 and power amp. The sound became smoother and more alive. I have ordered a set of Cerapuc planning to replace MIB. It will arrive next week. I will do a comparison with Cerapuc and Rollerblocks on transport.

Currently I have 4 sets of Rollerblocks, 2 Ultra, 2 Super and Svelte. I really like Symposium products. And I feel that Finite Elemente products are better(cost more as well). I have used Solidsteel 5.5 before. No comparison to E12.

I have put 2 bags of lead shots(about 5kg each) underneath the rack on the carpet(not touching the rack). The sound became smoother.

If you want to see my system(mid price equipment, probably you may not be interest) I can email picture to you.
jfrech, what a coincidence. I lived in the Dallas area as well, Coppell to be exact.

eds60, I would very much be interested in seeing your system.
SYMPOSIUM works better than anything else in my system.I have Rollerblock HDSE with #2.5 balls under my amp and Battery power supply for my TW ACUSTIC AC1 turntable.Using Rollerblock Series 2 under both my AUDIENCE line conditioners 6TS they improve bass ,highs, air, bass speed and staging its imazing.Also using ULTRA STEALTH amp stands under my amp and AUDIENCE units and svelte under preamp,tuntable power supply and preamp power supply.Everthing has improved my sound.Oh yes using SYMPOSIUM ULTRA STEALTH under my TW ACUSTIC AC1 turntable.