Anybody familiar with Mundorf silver&oil caps

I am planning to use 3.9uF Mundorf silver oils as output coupling caps in my phono stage. ( The stock coupling caps consists of a paired 4.7uF and 3.3uf polypropylenes )

I have a couple of 0.022uF TFTF V-Caps lying around. Would there be any benefit in bypassing the 3.9uF Mundorf with the smaller V-Caps or am I just wasting my time?

Generally I do not like bypassing coupling caps, but the 3.9uF is somewhat big and I am concerned that it is going to be a little slow.

I know I can always try and see what it sounds like, but the V-Caps are unused, so if there would be zero benefit I’d rather leave them in unused state for the possibility of selling or swapping them out later on.

Comments/thoughts/experiences would be appreciated.

VH Audio recommends trying TFTF bypass with their OIMP caps, so you might be onto something with the Mundorf Silver/Oil. I have used .47uf Mundorf Silver/Gold as couplers in a phono stage & I like them a lot.
Pauly I think your right. Bypass caps in the signal path are a bad thing not a good thing. Material differences and multiple paths seem to result in more noise, often mistaken as more detail. Tom
I tried bypassing my big valued Mundorf Silver/Oils in my cdp with small valued Sonicap Platinums; the result was less than favorable. It produced a brighter,less natural sound than just Mundorfs by themselves.