Toughest hombre west of the Pecos?

John Wayne or Clint Eastwood?
Also your preference:
Solid State or Tubes?
Wondering if there is a correlation.
Another Cleavon Little line from Blazing Saddles,

'"Scuse me while I whip this out"
And another:
"Candygram for Mongo...."

Or this (from Gene Wilder):
"Well, my name is Jim, but people call me.... Jim"

One more from Cleavon Little:
"Oh no baby, two schnitzengruben is my limit"
I'll always remember Cleavon Little as DJ "Super Soul" from the '70's cult film, VANISHING POINT.

Trivia questions [for cultists only!]:
1) What were the call letters of his station?
2) What was the name of the town in which it was located?
Station: KOW (later named KOWalski).
Town? I'll leave this for another "cultist".

P. S. I just shared this movie with some fellows at work the other night.
These youngsters couldn't quite understand the nature of the movie not growing up a part of the "counter culture".
They did like the scene with the gay carjackers, however.