Original prices for LP albums

What did popular LP albums (Dylan, Zeppelin, etc.) cost full retail in 1984 in USA ?
In 1988 ? In 1991 ? in 1995 ? (Some stores still sold them in 1995). Talking about NEW only - with NO CUT OUTS or hole punches. Anyone who remembers, thanks for info.
EJ Korvettes, wow, that brings back memories! I was once told that the name stood for "Eleven Jewish Korean Veterans", any truth to that?

I bought Electric Ladyland- a double LP at my high school bookstore in 1982. I think I paid $12-. Most single LP's were $6.9 or so. Some of the pressings were rather sketchy around that time. I remember buying King Crimson on the EG label and it had a "pop" in it brand new. Zeppelin "In thru the out door was $8.99.
RW, thought it was Eight Jewishk Korean War Veterans. Used to buy my LP's from the Edison store on Rt 1 (maybe Woodbridge?)in NJ. Also from Two Guys From Harrison store in Middletown where I grew up. Most albums were from 3.99 new to 6.99 .

You might be confusing EIGHT Jewish Korean veterans (Korvettes)


The Nevele Hotel in the Catskill mountains which was purportedly named for the ELEVEN original Jewish investors. Nevele is eleven spelled backwards.

No idea whether either story is true, but I have heard both any number of times.

EJ Korvettes was founded by one man who died just this year. I can't remember his name but it wasn't Korvette as I recall.
I also bought alblums there as a kid thru early teens and $3.99 sticks out in my mind and more for double alblums. In real prices adjusted for inflation I bet that $5.99 record is now much more than the 20-30 bucks we spend for new tiny productions of records.