Highly Recommended CHILL OUT CDs???

Hi everyone - just going thru a Chill Out phase at the moment hifi wise. I was just wondering if anyone has any recommendations. Anything in the Style of BLISS - Quiet Letters would be great! Otherwise, any other audiophile sounding pressings or titles.
Thanks in advance
HIA (Higher Intelligence Agency)/Pete Namlook & Biosphere CDs. Also some of the early Pole CDs 1,2, 3 on Matador these are ambient dub...awesome stuff. Get 'em. Others that come to mind are Popul Vuh, Eno Ambient and Discreet music.

I can give many more recs. if you like those.
Shadorne, I think one of the early Southpark episodes described this song perfectly when one of the younglings (I can't remember but it wasn't Kenny or Cartman) was locked in a dark room and forced to listen to this track by his grandfather who wanted to be euthanized. His gramps basically said that experience is similar to being old and the kid totally agreed that gramps should be put down rather than undergo that torture. Too funny.
There is no doubt Enya has been on of the most successful "chill out" artists out there.

Those kids in South Park need to chill out a bit, especially Cartman......

"Moonchild" by King Crimson is a great chillout piece, especially the notorious long ambient second portion of the complete album track.
Actually, most everyone in South park needs to chill out a bit. They get worked up about most anything now don't they?

Especially Peruvian Pan Flute Bands.......