Need a Recommendation for Classical Cello...


I am interested in locating some recordings (CD Only, please) of performances of unaccompanied cello. I obtained a recording of Bach's Cello Suites (1 - 6) but am looking for something a little different.

I am hoping to find something that is less 'busy' as these selections. Something haunting or melancholy. If this exists (By any composer) please let me know.

Also, I hope to find a recording of an acoustic cello, not electric.

Thanks very much!

Brad Day
Atlanta, GA
WHOA! Hold on there, pardner, don't go away yet. My favorite is Bach's cello concertos by Pablo Casals. (I dislike Yo-Yo Ma - too technical.)
For something ranging between semi-classical and pops, you might just enjoy Julian Weber's 'Travels with my Cello'. Some very nice warm melodies there.

I particularly liked Jacqueline DuPre's BBC recordings...

For some variety with viola da gamba - check out the haunting 'Amor Cruel' with Les Voix Humaines - there are some vocals there, but the deep, mellow, cello-like strings have the lead...
Benjamin Britten's cello suites are quite different from the Bach ones. You might like them.
Not entirely solo cello, but may well suit what you're looking for:

Music for a Glass Bead Game, Nathaniel Rosen, cellist, and Arturo Delmoni, violinist, (John Marks Records) (link)

Reverie: Cello Music for Quiet Times, Nathaniel Rosen, cellist, with guest (John Marks Records) (link)

Rosen Plays Brahms, Nathaniel Rosen, cellist, with Doris Stevenson, piano (John Marks Records) (link)

Orientale, short works for cello, Nathaniel Rosen, cellist, with Doris Stevenson, piano, (North Star Records) (link)
This falls in between Jazz and classical genre, but Dave Holland's "Life Cycle" is absolutley amazing.