Outstanding Drum Performances

Looking for some redbook CD's that feature some dynamic drum riffs...looking to stay in the rock genre but it there is a killer recording out there that is outside of the Rock arena please let me know.

Ag insider logo xs@2xmattkimb96
Some of the recordings recommended above are not really rock which is your preferred music, though most are good. But style of drumming is very different so beware: I love Jack De Johnette but very far from Rock! For Rock, check out the remastered version Physical Graffiti, Led Zepplin. John Bonham is well ROCK. For some fusion jazz stuff which have some rock influence, check out Dennis Chambers's Outbreak and Stanton Moore's All Kooked Out both drummer led efforts which are killer albums.
without question Jeff Porcaro...his riff on Rosanna is just superb, totally makes the song, he is one of my all time favorite drummers, also check out his "Lido shuffle" by Boz Scaggs...can you say grooooove, I being a drummer would give my eye teeth to play like him, so musical,also agree with above about Simon Phillips, just a monster, he has got to have more than two arms, sure sounds like it. He has enough chops to fill the grand canyon yet is always musical
Ghost_Rider ; also try to get Pete Townsend's "White City" Cd if you want to hear Simon really put one down -- the song "Give Blood" is friggin' incredible (again, drum performance wise) and is a pretty good CD overall.

Also, any Jean Luc Ponty CD/Album with a drummer by the name of Rayford Griffin. One of the most incredible, jaw-dropping and awe inspiring drummers ever recorded. He was a drumming god in concert too...