Harbeth Speakers

I am downsizing my system from Audio Physic Virgos to Harbeth mini-monitors Could an enlightened audiophile please tell me the difference between the P3ESRand th eolder HL-P3ES-2? In the same breath, would driviing the speakers with CJ MV55 and 17LS be overkill? I have a Linn Classik. I expect the latter would do the job nicely.
I can't comment on the 2's,but all I can say is that I have the 3's and they better any monitor I have owned(Spendor,Kef,etc).As far as overkill,what do you mean? I use mine with Quicksilver tube mono's.
If I understand it correctly, the ESR version is the first generation of P3 speakers to use a mid/woofer made of Harbeth's proprietary Radial material, which is highly praised by some as a breakthrough technology. More information can be found if you Google "Harbeth Users Group." Sorry I don't know much more than that.

Bob is correct. Go for the current version and as far as ancillary equipment, I don't think anything will be overkill with the Harbeths unless it's something specifically for low bass.