Vienna Acoutics New Bach Grand for $1200

I need help in deciding whether to purchase Vienna acoustics brand new Bach Grand for $1200 or Monitor audio RX8 for little less than MSRP. Auditioned both and like both :) This will be used for 75% stereo and 25% home theater.
Paraneer, thanks for a detailed reply about VA Grand Bach. I auditioned a Grand Mozart SE and ended up buying this due to a sale. Is it worth looking at Mozart SE at twice the price.
It's worth it. For me, it was love (or maybe ear) at first site with the Viennas. I also started out wanting to buy the Bachs. But listened to my friends, dealers,etc. and decided to give the Mozarts a try. Been about 4 years since with no regrets.
Congrats on buying the Mozarts SE's and going with Viennas!
I am sure you'll be very happy. Whether they are worth twice the cost of the Bachs, only you can be the judge of that.