Theta Digital Casablanca III and Von Schweikert

Do any of you have experience in setting up the CB III with Von Schweikert Speakers? Maybe with any set of speakers? My confusion lies in the setting of the different crossovers, high pass and low pass filters, and slopes. I am not familiar with "phase relationships and vector mathematics" as the manual says.

My setup of VSA speakers are VR4 SR-MKI as the left/right, a single Unifield 2 as a center, TS-150s as surrounds and S1 as the subwoofer. Any help that you can provide would be great.

I don’t believe a specific brand of speakers have a lot to do with the crossover and slope settings you’ll eventually choose. With the Casablanca enabling you to set up three crossover types and individually change the slope settings with the remote while listening, you get the best of both worlds to trim the slope settings to your own ear… and choose the crossover type that sounds best to you. The FULL, XOVER, FUL/LP setting are more purpose dependent.
The good news is on the CBIII you can change the Xover setting in real-time while you are listening. So simply zap through the variables and pick what you like best.
I used to have the Casablanca I, so I'm not familiar with the crossover features of the III, and I have Von Schweikert speakers, though not the same models as yours - but with your setup I would set every speaker as full/large and direct the .1 channel to the subwoofer and be done with it. Or at least start with that configuration and experiment from there.