Rolling Tubes in the Atma-Sphere C-30 amp

I imagine there must be at least a couple of people who have experience with rolling tubes in the C-30. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated regarding what tubes to use for the best possible sound and which positions they should occupy in the C-30.
I also own the S-30 amp. As for the power tubes I only use the stock tubes as supplied by Atma-Sphere. This is based on my conversation with Ralph as to the reliability of NOS 6AS7 tubes. Also, the version of the tube that is the slender bottle is not necessarily suitable for the amp according to Ralph. I recall trying a set of these and immediately the tubes glowed intensely orange and the amp hummed. As for the driver tubes Ralph mentioned tube rolling the front row of tubes would probably yield the most noticeable results. In my case I chose Raytheon VT-231 tubes. I use the stock Chinese tubes in the other positions.
When you stated ""the front row of tubes" did you mean the row closest to the listener or the row closest to the back panel?
Are people using 6 Roundplates in their C-30 or are they using a couple of Roundplates with other tubes, as well?
I have emailed Ralph but I also wanted to hear from users of the C-30 about their personal experiences. Thank you for this very useful information.