
Hi everybody,
about a year ago I bought a FPB-XXX cx by Krell as second hand unit from ufficial distributer.
It sound great and drives my speakers the way I was expecting from a Krell.
But.... had a surprise! one day opening the top cover I noticed that the left Assembly of my FPB-XXX cx were used the usual blue 8 capacitors, while in the right assembly al capacitor were black (different brand)!
Had an answer from Krell it says......"are
original and factory installed. Assembly of this FPB-XXX cx was during a
transition period where we were phasing out of blue capacitors and
incorporating black capacitors which have the same value and specifications"......I'm sorry this is unbelievable!
Any opinion?
A disappointed!

I'd love to have you in a double blind test on PS capacitors in a power amplifier - large electrolytic ones - if you can tell any difference from a Cornell to a Mallory to a United Chemicon, Rifa, or any other reputable manufacture and repeat your findings - well then your ears are with out a doubt golden.

Good listening,

Thank you Peter and yes I am blessed. I can also hear the difference
between pieces of wire! Get this, even the footers under the amp! This last
one will really blow you away. I can hear the difference from day one on a
new cap and day 30! So as you might imagine hearing the difference
between cap brands is quite easy for me and can be done with one ear
behind my back:-)
Even if they sound identical I'd be very disappointed. Seems more like something you'd get from a Wall-Mart special not a main stream high end manufacturer.