Lifespan of a quality solid state amplifier?

What is the expected lifespan of a quality solid state amplifier (Krell, Mark Levinson, Anthem, Bryton, Pass Labs)? Is their any maintenance that can be performed to extend the lifespan of one of these amps?


No problem Ralph. I think it is a disservice to those who are trying to learn something here but If you are comfortable muddying the water with incorrect information then that is your choice. As one of the senior "experts" around here who comes from a technical background I would think you would strive for accuracy but your choice. I think from now on I'm going to refer to tubes as transistors since they transfer a signal and both words have trans in them. It's not correct but it's just as logical as your use of half life :>)

Like I said, it amazes me that nobody around here will ever admit they are wrong about something. When called on something they either don't respond, change their story, or do as you do and rationalize their incorrect responses. Actually, I find it a bit amusing.

In any case I'm done with it. Carry on.

Herman I repair 5v 200 amp switching power supplies and find that 70-80% of the fails are in the large filter caps used in the supply section;when I replace these caps I change all electrolytic caps in the supply as well as the fan.The supplies I see range from the 1990's and run 24/7 being used in large semiconductor test equipment;they are normally mallory 15000mfd at 7.5v and 4000mfd at 200v caps.
Did you company resolve their computer failures?
C'mon folks. There is room for precise teminology and room for metaphors/analogies that can be very useful and pragmatic for those that aren't familiar with the technical terminology and might be intimidated by it.