Tube Research Labs Dude vs. Shindo Labs preamps

I am in the market to look for a tube preamp. I have narrow down my choices to Tube Research Labs Dude and a comparable price Shindo Labs.

Can anybody provide me your experience to help me to make a better decision? Better yet, have anybody compared them side by side before?

Grannyring - Shindo uses no circuit boards; they are 100 percent point to point wired. The interior of a Shindo component, like the exterior, is literally a work of art.

I try to keep an open mind about all things audio with one exception - Shindo preamps. For 2-channel audio and if there is no need for a remote, Shindo is THE preamp for me. Case closed! ;->

All The Best,

Remote is not needed and we agree.

Meant to suggest this thread's iniator contact Paul at TRL.
There are two Dude owners in Dallas. One is Gallant_diva:

There is another new Dude owner in Dallas who just replaced his Lamm pre-amp with a Dude.

You could always contact them and swing by for a listen.

I too am a happy Dude owner. When researching pre-amps prior to owning the Dude, two other choices I considered were Allnic and Shindo. I did not hear either but went for the Dude on gut instinct and the rest is history.
I would say whatever you go for make sure you have good power going to it. My system sounded out of balance on shoulder till I added good batteries and power, now I have great soundstage.

I looked at shindo cause it sounds classy and I have a pre in on my amp but i like the basic idea of rolling in with the Dude on my other shoulder.