Is it good for a Krell to SIT for 3-5yrs

I have been told that the worst thing you can do is let a big Krell sit in its box for years.I was told the caps all dry out especially if it has not been serviced for 10yrs.I am looking for a KSA 300s but they are all just sitting in the closet then coming out for Big Bucks.Is this not bad for them?
I bought one last year paid $3600 , month later had to send it to Krell , cost $2100 for Recap including shipping both way . so anyone who is buying krell stuff cost in the Repair , All Krell old stock is due for servcie .
It's not good for any amp to sit for extended periods of time in the garage or uncontrolled room (as everyone has pointed out -- rightly so).
If you buy a Old Krell -- older than say 10yrs -- Plan on getting it refurbished (be Happy)-- Yes expensive, but if you can't afford it put your money somewhere else -- It amazes me when talking about expensive amps the hesitation people have about putting money into a very complex and top of the line amp. If you don't want to upgrade (which is a good service Krell provides for all there late model amps and products) buy a newer model (cost just as much as an old upgraded amp (3500 + 1500 upgrade = $5,000.00 so look for a $5,000 dollar amp if you don't want to upgrade).
I upgraded/Refurbished (in 2009) an old KSA-100s amp -- ($1250 plus shipping $150.00) originally paid $4000.00 for it in 1996 -- Out of pocket over the last 16 yrs ($5400.00) (Not including electricity)-- It is a brand new amp now and sounds great -- I have upgraded/refurbishe my KPS-28c and KCT pre also for (~350.00 and 425.00) -- I appreciate being able to have this done -- try doing that with other high-end comapnies with products that are no longer in production let alone 15 yrs or older.
Hey these types of amps are not cheap and never where intended to be cheap -- but compared to the competition on serviciability -- Krell is good Not Perfect -- and shipping on any Krell amp is expensive -- no brainer -- If you want to make music with the old big amps ---- Be prepared to spend some money -- If not save that $1500 upgrade/refurbish and look to Sony, Denon, Yamaha, Honda, Ford, Buick, Toyota...

One more comical observation -- what is with the -- get the video online (another thread)-- How to recap/refurbish a Krell? DIY no experience necessary -- step by step -- Really! --- WOW -- amazing -- someone was actually responding to this!!

- Bottom Line -- If there is hesitation about buying an Old Krell and you can't afford to upgrade it -- Save your money until you can afford the amp! (simple basic financial thinking -- no need to blog about how expensive it is -- It's a great service for Krell owners)

Yea -- I know wordy-blog soap-boxey -- It's extremely Cold and I'am trapped in my home -- Good thing for the benefit of a nice refurbished/upgraded krell space heater -- smile!
Now let's melt some snow!

Krells use alot of Nichicon caps and I have had to rework a ca. 1998 amp board in a Krell where it had 28 of those caps installed as bypasses or something. A third of them were leaking. One shorted a power buss. The cost of new Nichicon equivalent caps was not great, to replace all 28 of them. If a third are bad, the rest will follow soon. Was just a PITA to install them but not expensive. Now if you send to the factory, expect a huge huge bill that might force you to sell and alot of waiting. Good luck with that.
Thank you very much gents.Please keep the posts coming!
I have been looking for a 300s for awhile now and I have found several DEALERS/AUDIOPHILES(people who know better)who donnot care about the next guy and knowingly sell these items at a price that should be asked for a fully serviced/used price.Solo8008 is a prime example(sorry to hear)of this and I want to make it aware for the next generation as they will be the future of hi-end audio.