Beyond the Audio Research SP-11 with Tympani IVas

I am thinking about changing my system around a bit, just for fun and would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions.

I plan to keep my Magneplanar Tympanis, but as mentioned in another thread, change my Levinson 23.5 to Bryston monoblocks or perhaps Pass Labs and also change my preamp.

I use this system for some CDs, also computer audio and HDTV - I really dont need a phone stage at this point in my life and work schedule.

I like well built audio components that are pleasant to touch and to use, and mostly effortless to maintain, so no tweaky garage built ergonomics, faceplates or switches please.

LAMM products have caught my attention, but I really dont know much about them and other than a Jadis JPL preamp, I have had Audio Research for most of my adult life.

In terms of my listening taste, I have never complained about a lack of resolution or "inner detail" with any component I liked, but I often find that components sound too bright and fatiguing.

So thanks for any thoughts or suggestions.
I actually used a Levinson 23.5 and Audio Research SP-11 MKII in my system for quite a while. They are a good match. The Levinson 23.5 is one of the all time great amplifiers and Bryston would be a step backwards. If your system sounds bright at times maybe you need different wire or a better source.

I have received a private email recommending the Magtech amplifier and preamplifier, if anyone can comment on Sanders Sound products with Magneplanars?
I recommend keeping the Mark Levinson 23.5. Seriously you would have to spend lots more money to find an amp anywhere close to this one. Also, the next upgrade in my opinion would be to obtain an Audio Research REF 3 pre-amp over your SP-11. I had an SP-11 and compared it with the Boulder top of the line pre amp, REF 3, SP16, SP17 and Krell's pre-amp. The REF 3 beat them all except the Boulder and it was very close. When you get to that level, things are in small increments, not large ones. But, over the SP-11, even my retubed SP11, there was enough of a difference, not very large, but enough that I sold my SP-11 and bought the REF 3. Really I wanted the remote ability and nothing was better than my SP-11 but the REF 3 for the money. So, keep the 23.5. Everyone I know that had one and sold it regretted selling it later. I finaly got one and now I have to sell either my Audio Research VTM 120 monoblocks (retubed) or my ML3. But, something has to go. The 23.5 sounds wonderful.
