Okay I Bought the Magnepan 3.6's

Okay, I actually purchased the Magnepan 3.6's; now it's amp research time! Temporarily running them with my 22 year old NAD 2200PE (don't laugh, it still works!)...and they sound decent in my 17 x 26 room. However as it has been said before, 'Scotty, I need MORE POWER!'...

After some feedback on the Parasound and big Macs, I have been leaning more towards one of the Pass Labs. (Good deals abound on used ones)... So, which way to go? These look very promising:

or even the XA60.5 (Pricey!!!)...

Thoughts and recommendations? Also, safe to run a tube preamp in front of these?
I have 2 pairs of 3.6's, and I have been using Anthem p5s. Stable, neutral, no particular tonal signature, and reasonably priced.

As important an improvement, and one you will notice immediately, is a good pair of stands. The Mye stands are by far the best; see www.myesound.com. Grant is the best!


I heard the larger Maggies with Levinson mono blocks... 100wpc I think.

On panels I like the Levinson's... otherwise I'm not to keen on them.
I like my Wyred 4 Sound SX 1000's.
They sound great at a fraction of the cost of the some of the other amps mentioned.