Which One Amp for the Magnepan 3.6's?

Given a choice to drive a pair of Magnepan 3.6's in a large room, which amp would you choose (assuming the use of a tube preamp):

ParaSound JC-1 monoblocks

ParaSound A-21 stereo

Krell 250a
All have the above have merit.Magnepan uses Bryston amps when they are on the show circuit and have for some time.You may want to consider that choice.
Didn't Audio Research just introduce an amp at CES that is supposed to be a great match to Magnepans? I saw it in one of the CES recaps on Stereophile, I believe.
Sunfire Signature(600Wpc) load invariant amp is the best so far from Bob Carver.
Can anyone comment on the ParaSound JC-1's? What 'kind' of sound does it have? Strengths, weaknesses...