Power Amp..opinions please

Hi All,
I am looking for a power amp (mono or stereo) to go with my Promitheus Reference C-Core TVC. Till some time back I was leaning towards the Wyred 4 Sound's SX-1000 monos. But as I read the net, I found people mentioning that the initial impressions of class D are detailed sound, neutrality, "true to original" etc. 10audio also has a great review about the wyred4Sound amp. At one point I was considering the RWA Sig 30.2 amps, as 6moons had a glowing review for these. Later I decided that they will not be enough for my average efficiency speakers.
Now I also read from others threads that as time goes by Class D becomes boring, no tone, etc, etc. I am a bit confused now and cannot decide which way to go. There is no dealer nearby that I can go to and listen to a Class D. So I also started to look at used Bryston, Parasound, Pass, McIntosh, Ayre, etc.
Can you please provide your experiences with Class D VS Class AB amps? Please do not suggest tubes. I would be using the amps with a Marantz SA-8260 CD player, Promitheus TVC and Quad 21L speakers. The cabling is Signal Cable through out. Currently using the NAD C352 integrated amp as power amp, but want to explore and experience a bit more high-end sound. A constructive thread with opinions (rather than mine is better than yours) will be highly appreciated and valuable to the forum.
Thanks much in advance.
I have read that review before. You have done a very nice and in-depth review there. But the price tag is a marriage-breaker than deal-breaker. I can't think of spending that kind of money right now. I am sure the Bel Cantos are great..but sorry, not with that price tag. Yep I know, all good things come with a price tag. But good to know that Class D is not a bad option.

I have decided to go ICE rather than Hypex, if at all I am going Class D.

Thanks for your opinions gentlemen.
How do the NuForce go with the Promitheus? What is the sensitivity of the NuForce? Is having a sensitivity of > 1V good or bad for Promitheus TVC?

i did not audition the tvc with the nuforce. the nuforces were gone before i received the tvc, which is now being used with the Cary and a very nice combo. fwiw Nicholas at Promitheus said the nuforce would pair fine with his tvc.
I have been listening to the Wyred4Sound ST-1000 stereo power amp for about 300 hours and they are fabulous sounding: ultraclean, dead quiet, sweet top end with complete elimination of phase distortion, zero audible distortion, and power reserves that are the thing of legend (~600W into 8 ohms; ~1200W into 4 Ohms). The ST-1000 are hands down better than any AB SS amp I've ever owned. As for the supposed rolled off top end - I can't detect it at all. But, I'm 52 years old and can't hear a whit above 14 KHz. Cymbal crashes and high strings and bells sound just so right - never grainy or offensive. The ICE amp will deliver whatever your CD transport/DAC can scrape off the little silvery disc.
sweet review mamboni. what's cool is wyred is right up hwy 101 from me, neighboring town of paso robles.

Milpai i didn't answer your question in full. sensitivity can be an issue if your amp/speaker combo needs the juice. with lower sensitivity speakers and the passive pre you could find the volume doesn't go high enough. impedance, however, is also an issue, the higher input on the amp side the better, which was my concern with the nuforce at 47k ohm. Nicholas at Promitheus assured me through email that his product would work well with my Nuforce.