Any VAC CPA-1 preamp owners here?

I have just purchased a VAC CPA-1 MKIII w/phono upgrades here on Audiogon.
I am hoping there are some other owners of this preamp here to exchange information and experience.
Especially would like to know what tubes you are using, and what tweaks have been found to get the most from this preamp.

I hope there is some owners out there, my search did not bring up much information.. in fact, there is not much on the net period about this preamp.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrich121
Please contact my friend, Michael Phelps - Audiogon username Sufentanil. I believe he had this model, and I've listened to it several times in one of his former systems.

I'd give my own personal perspectives, but his opinion would be far better informed.
Anyone else have information about this preamp?
I am hoping to find current users also.
04-19-09: Rich121
There must be someone else who is using one of these?

Yes, but what are the odds that someone who owns a vintage preamp such as this would also be perusing the threads on AudiogoN? Unfortunately, slim to none. I've found that most threads here are for more recent gear. Everyone wants to know who heard the new kid on the block, not about older gear. Just like Entertainment TV tends to focus on younger, hotter looking people over older folks.

Also, owners of vintage gear are usually busy enjoying the music and not typically surfing the web.

Nothing personal, it's just human nature, but it also explains your inability to find much info anywhere on the web. Sorry, I know this isn't much help, but it may help explain your lack of answers.
