Atma-Sphere MA2 Mk2.3 / Krell KSA 250 / Passlabs?

Good Evening Fellow Audio Heads!

I'm upgrading my amps (will be a big step up from my NAD S200) which I still love dearly.

The amps that I have the choice to purchase second hand are:

Atma-Sphere MA2 Mk2.3 - AUD $9000
Pass Labs X250.5 = AUD $6995
Krell KSA 250 = AUD $3000

Now the Krell and Atma-Sphere are class A. The Pass labs A/B. Front End will be a Atma-Sphere MP1 Mk3. Speakers are the unfriendly Dynaudio Confidence 5 (no intention of changing these lovely speakers)

Can you please advise your thoughts on what amp would sound best in this situation. Music Reggae / soul / female vocals. What amp listed is the best value? I would say either the Atma-Sphere or the Krell. I have only heard the Pass-Labs in person and that sounded nice and smooth. I like detail in my music.

Many thanks for all your help as it's impossible to do A/B comparisons.

I own the MA-2s and have owned Krells (KMA 160s) and have heard the KSA 250s: the AS MA-2s are, in my opinion in a different league. Furthermore, they easily drive my SP Tech Revelations, 4 ohm impedance, without any difficulty. I would grab the Atma-Spheres with both hands. You wont be sorry.
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FWIW the MA-2s can handle a load like this easily. Customers have reported excellent results. Being a much larger amplifier than the M-60s they are not nearly so sensitive to load and there is a much longer list of speakers that they will play with ease.
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What makes the MA2 able to handle larger impedance swings than the M-60 can handle, and how can a consumer evaluate this?

More tubes= lower output impedance
m-60 4.1 ohms
ma2 1.75 ohms.

would be my guess.