Stereophile Article - Holt telling it like it is.

Gordon Holt telling it the way it is. I have to tell you; I agree almost with 100% of what he's said. I look forward to the Stereophile print where a full article is too be written. I will purchase that issue.
I met JGH at a few CESes during the mid to late 80s. As indicated above he was a straight shooter. I liked him. Too bad his creation wound up getting hijacked by many of the wrong thinkers. IMO of course.
I cannot take Stereophile any more serious than I do TAS. It now just seems the most paid the better the sound. Do any of you really take their reviews serious at all? I would rather read the reviews here from real people that have paid good cash for their audio systems. Without advertizing dollars from manufacturer's pulling the purse strings with most reviewers.
He speaks the truth about the baby boomers being the most self absorbed, destructive group of humans ever to exist.

I just turned 50, and I am innundated with AARP shit. Read it over and the theme is the same: ME ME ME. I want my discount, I want what government "owes me". I refuse to join those narrow minded bastards for a senior discount on coffee.

Too many of the boomers have degraded into just another special interest group- like we ain't got enough of those.

That 60's generation that was going to "Change the world" ? They changed it alright. For the worse.

There, I feel better now.