Amp suggestionsfor Wilson Watt Puppies/Sophia

A friend of mine is contemplating a pair of Watt Puppies or Sophia's and was wondering what amps may partner well with these models. He listening room is large and he listens primarilty to Jazz at moderate levels.

Many thanks,

I had a pair of Sophias and now have a pair of WP7's. I tried a bunch of amps with both speakers, including OTL, SET, and push-pull tube amps, as well as some solid-state amps. I listen mainly to rock and jazz of all types and am in a small room. I loved the way they sounded with OTL amps but I had too many problems with them. Maybe some Atma-Sphere OTL amps would sound good. The 15 wpc SET amps didn't have enough power to produce the bass and dynamics the Wilsons are capable of. Push-pull tube amps worked great with both speakers, perhaps the Sophias a little better, and IMO produced the best combo of dimensionality and bass and dynamics. The ones I tried were Audio Research VT100 Mark III and Conrad-Johnson Premier 140's. Solid-state amps produced the best bass and dynamics, which is what the Wilsons are known for, but until I heard Essence amps, I didn't like the flat soundstage SS amps produced with the Wilsons. The Essence amps I have, while not quite as good as tube amps in the soundstage department, are startlingly the best I have heard in detail, bass, dynamics, and transparency. Hope this helps.
Wilson uses Audio Research amps at their factory and Audio Research uses Wilson speakers as well.

Try a REF110.

I'm an ARC dealer.
I have the WATT/Puppies and the only amps that I've heard sound good on these are the Pass Labs XA-160. I'm a Mastering engineer and do a lot of Jazz/Orchestra work. Even Mikey Fremer thinks so too!

I have seen the WATT/Puppies at shows mated with tube amps that were relatively powerful (no low power SETs). I believe they are particularly good matches in the midrange and highs.

My personal philosophy is that dynamic range is very important to my sense of fidelity. Therefore, although my WATT/Puppy 6s are pretty efficient, I am driving them with Pass X600s (600 wpc). I regard Pass solid state electronics as enjoying some of the favorable sound characteristics of tube electronics without giving up control in the bass. The match works for me.