Tubes for BAT VK60. Need help

I’m now looking to retube a BAT VK60. I know very little about the tubes in it or which ones are most important to address first... or at all.

Any VK 60 owners with re-tubeing experiences out there?

I surely would appreciate some input on what you wound up with and why...?

Thanks so very much for the time and efforts here, as I'm lost now.
I got all RCA in the Thor.. NOS. 12AT & 12AX... very nice.

Are the or is there some amalgamation of info on the types and their related sounds, akin to Joe's tube lore review?

Thanks much
You can get those 6c33 tubes from Parts Connexion for $27, or from for a bit more. I believe they all come from the same Ulyanov factory regardless of distributor. As remarked by jfrech, in the BAT they lose their punch after about 1200 hours (1800 hours with Pearl Tube Coolers). About 25% of them eventually ARC out (loud popping sound followed by hum), so buy a spare or two. After sanding the pins, try Walker SST silver paste. I use EH 6SN7s in my VK75SE and they hold up well and sound fine.
Jim for 10K you can go to the Soviet Union and take a flight in a Mig. Just don't take any tubes out before ;)
Jim- There are a couple of good sellers of 6SN7s right here, who have pretty good knowledge of their typical sounds. Jsautter and Kalidelkol (not sure on teh spelling) come to mind, but there are also a couple of others. Of course Andy at Vintage Tube and Upscale Audio also.