Jadis Orchestra Ref + Pre-Amp?

Wondering if it is possible to use the JOR as a power amp, with a Pre-Amp and CD feeding in, and whether this would help with the avoidance of clipping - I have no background in electronics, so I'm unsure whether the pre-amplifier boosts the signal in a meaningful way, and if so whether this translates to an easier time for the JOR - the issue at the moment is with solo piano music, where there are large changes in dynamics and a crash of chords brings distortion, which sounds like clipping, albeit 'soft' clipping; needless to add turning down the volume prevents this problem, but then I'm listening at a lower volume level than I've been accustomed. I was warned about the amp being a bit underpowered for the difficult load my speakers represent (Wilson Cubs) - distortion never occurred with a previous, more powerful, ARC amp (D125). I still have an ARC SP9MkIII pre-amp.

If the above is possible, would it be preferable to run the JOR with the gain wide open, and use the pre-amp to attenuate volume, or the other way around?

Thanks for your anticipated help.
I do not know how to bias my JOR if at all possible.
Never cared for flat toned sound, so I place the trebel and bass controls 95% gain. If I put the controls all the way up, I get a slight hum.
My Jadis are driving prefectly the Thor's. A pretty hefty MTM design, rated very low at like 87db. I hae no issues with loudness.
I recall when I first got the Jadis, I took it to a friends house, his ARC 200 and Mirage 1's, a big hefty 3 way. He agree the Jadis outperformed his ARC is clarity/details. But of course the big ARC 200 took the little Jadis is terms of power.
I suggest looking for another speaker, amybe a Tyler or a bigger amp, maybe the Cayin A88.
I do not think it was possible to use the Jadis as amp, over ride the pre.

I have a JOR and have driven everything from Quad ESL 63's, Spendor SP100's, Rogers LS 3/5a (15 ohm) and various Sololiquy floor standers with it, and to some pretty good volume levels, with no trouble at all. Actually amazingly strong tight base and overall delicate articulate sound. I use the KT 90 tubes normally in it.
Bbro's experience with the Jadis certainly attests to the power offered in the smallest of Jadis amps. My friend with the big hefty ARC VTL200 was quite impressed that the Jadis delivered a much better sound vs his big amp/pre. Though we both agreed its not ideal for the Jadis to drive big speakers.
I'm surprised the Jadis holds up under Bbro's relentless punishment.
Any other amp would have broken down. Especially any other medium size tube amp. One buys the JOR not only for sound quality but also for its superior build quality.
The only reason I'm going with the Cayin A88 is for that extra 5% I'm hoping the Cayin will offer.
5% is alot in audio.
However the Jadis will stay in the family.
I would probably ask Pierre Gabriel or Jadis the question. If you don't have pre-out/amp in jacks on the back, you probably couldn't do this without major surgery. What output tubes do you use in the JOR? You might try KT88s, if you're using EL-34s, you lose a little midrange magic but get a bit more power. I'd choose them over KT90s or 6550s.
Yes that is what Richard Grey told me, that it would be major tweaking to supply a preout.
Richard did say the KT90's add abit more bass over the 88's.
I'm not going to switch tubes, just seems a better option is to upgrade to the Cayin. I mean whats a good pre going to cost you? 1K? Throw in another 500 and you get the beefer Cayin.
Makes more sense to me.