Seeking hot running amps

Which poweramps run hot? I am looking for a hot running amp to warm my room in the winter. I have heard of Krell, pass, threshold.
I'd vote Pass and Parasound JC-1's.... both those puppies can easily heat a room.
The ARC Reference 600's produce so much heat that, short of running them in a gymnasium, they're too hot to be practical. They need a dedicated room (and by this, I mean a dedicated amplifier room).
Krell KSA 100 the first or second one made runs realy hot my brother has on this thing idles at about 400 watts but that's when you know it's pure class a.
Oh here is a funny thing about my Lamms, my wife has decided that they are perfect to put sticks of butter on a plate and use them to soften them since they are so warm. I told her to make sure she uses a large plate since each amp costs about the same as a good used car.
Why not throw a hot preamp on top? My old Krell KCT preamp ran much hotter than my Krell FPB-400cx amp.