accuphase vs dartzeel

Hi all, this is not a shoot out but rather an inquiry. I'm owner of Accuphase A-50V Accuphase class A poweramp. If anyone knows this amp and the DarTZeel NHB-108 poweramp, please give your impressions regarding both amps. Do the Accuphase and DarTZeel share the same sonic qualities? Which of the two is more "tubelike"?
no offense, but dartzell (in terms of sound)is less detailed than accuphase. sort of like mac(a big mac with swiss cheese if you will)....the overall presentation is quite good, the build is great but its no accuphase. from an investment standpoint(anything this pricey is just that), there is no extensive track record comparable to the cream of the pricier us, japanese,brit, and german brands. just another amp that 6moons thinks is wonderful, not that there's anything wrong with that. cult status is not in the cards.

I've never compared any Pass's to my DarTZeels. Sorry I can't help on that front. A friend of mine has an older X-150, and I've heard a few Pass preamps, the X-Ono, X-350, 350.5, and X-600. So I'm fairly familiar with the line. Personally, I love Pass products. The amps run exceedingly hot, but I find that they straddle the line between tube and solid state as well as any product I've ever heard. In that respect, they're very similar to the Darts. Nelson is one of the most brilliant designers out there and has been at this for a long time. He definitely knows his stuff. If I hadn't discovered the DarTZeels, I may well have wound up with a pair of the X-600s or 350.5s.
Essentialaudio: you are right, I have to give a description of my set up in the first place. Front end: Accuphase (digital and preamp), Acoustic Reality ICEpower (with ASP1000 modules) poweramps (biamped), Dunlavy SC-V speakers. I listen mostly to classical music (70%). I think the Acoustic Realities are not bad at all. In fact they bettered the Accuphase in certain respect although they cost about 10 times (!!) less than the Accuphase. I've never heard the DarTZeel, but based on your comments regarding the DarTZeel's tonal aspect, it might share some tonal characteristics with the ICEpower amp, like transparency, bass agility, dynamics, no audible coloration.
Dazzdax you can read the stereophile review for the Dartzeel, and most important, read the measurements made by John Atkinson.
I've heard the Dartzeel in few ocasions, so I cant give you an extended opinion, but one thing I can assure you - You will get the audible coloration.
I am Swiss, of the same town where is built the Dartzel (Lancy, Geneva).
So, I certainly have nothing against this brand, which is very good.
But I definitely find the Accuphase amplifiers like A-50, A-60 or P-7000 better sounding than the Dartzel.