Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
where is rok2id?,regardless of the difference in opinion,he kept this forum rolling along!Tell him to come back!,I miss the entertainment!,I respect his passion for what he believes!,I thought my last post would snag him to post something,If you see this post rok2id,I enjoyed your posting in this thread!cheers!
Audiolabyrinth, this thread has run it's course, as all threads eventually do, but rest assured, there will be others, and Rok and his crew shall return.

If you miss the battle that much maybe you should start a thread that says anyone who can't hear differences in cables does not belong on audio forums. That should stir up the hornets nest again. ;)
@ jmcgrogan2,LOL!,I miss the debates,but I do not want to be the one in it,just make a subtle comment here and there and watch the entertainment with popcorn for real, LOL!,I do not have the balls to say what you recommended I should say,man-o-man I would not want that wrath on my head!,LOL!
These forums are a great place to learn but one needs an OPEN mind. It's possible rok2id upgraded from his Yugo with a new perspective?
I'm not afraid Audiolab, there IS something seriously wrong with the cable haters. Are they hard of hearing or do they not have system enough to discerned cable differences? Are they buying into their own hype? Why has this become such an issue for some? I can't believe some of the stuff I've been reading and do not understand the inability to judge differences in interconnect and speaker cable.

Maybe the cable haters really don't belong on audio forums jmcgrogan2? That would be a better topic.

Folks, cabling plays a huge role in all live performances, in all sound recording, in all sound reproduction, and therfore in ALL of our sound systems. There is no question it has an effect on what we hear.