Apartment Drama

Hi- I recently moved from my house to a 2nd floor apt with 1 apt on each side and 1 below. 3pm today I turned my stereo on for the 1st time. Low volume IMO. Hard to describe but no problem having a conversation without even raising my voice. within 10 minutes my neighbor knocked on my door acting irratated demanding I turn the volume down. WTF? Now what. Do I have any rights or do I have to obey this jerk?
A person's right to smoke ends at my nose. A person's right to music in an apartment ends at my ear. If it is truly anoying, such as loud bass thumping music, that is a problem. I work from home at times (telecommute, it is wonderful) and loud music from neighbors wouldn't be cool. I own a house with three layers of plaster on each wall so sound isn't a problem. But, Elizabeth is correct. If it disturbes the neighbors, then you are in the wrong. If you live in an apartment, all it will take is a couple of complaints to the manager/owner and you will get a cure notice and then an eviction notice. Then try to find another apartment with an eviction on your record. It isn't easy. I own apartments and that is what I would do. Some people really do value their quiet homes and environment. I really don't like it when people feel that just because they like their music very loud, that they don't care that it may disturb others. In cars, homes, etc. Rudeness has become the norm now. Where people actually think they can do and say what they want and really don't think or care about others. Not talking about the OP, but people in general. Turn it down, find out what hours the neighbors are home and listen when they aren't, get to know them and discuss music and maybe they will come to agree or like you and let it slide. Or, get a really nice headphone amp and some nice headphones. Or move. Low bass is basically non directional. So, it projects anywhere and since all one will hear is the anoying bass without any mids and highs, because the mids and highs are directional and are pointing at you and not them, then yes, it can be anoying.

Good luck trying to find an APARTMENT that is peaceful with well built construction.Most of the time your going to have kids thumping or womans heels on hard surface flooring above you. IMHO anyone who lives in a apartment should expect to put up with all kinds of noises...That's why I have a stereo ..so I don't have to hear all this crap!
ITs true that noise to some degree is inherent in many or even perhaps most apartment buildings.

So its a two way street. You can probably expect to get away with making as much noise as you hear associated with any particular neighbor. That's a fair exchange. It takes two to be good neighbors and decide what works best case by case.

Or just kick their ass as EBM suggests and be done with it.
I am so glad I do not live in an apartment anymore. It was awful. There are two behavioral expectations at odds here.
1. I will be quiet and trust you to offer me the same courtesy.
2. I will be noisy and allow you to be noisy if you want to be.
Which one is yours?
You want to have some noisy neighbors; kick their asses and go to jail*. I haven't found a quiet one yet! (*been there/done that/got the slides)