Opinions on bang for the buck on TT & tonearm

$6000.00 budget on the used or demo market.
The sound; must create the illusion of being there, accurate vocals and sufficient bass. I know kinda tall order.
Thanks curleyques
I was impressed with the Pear Audio Blue turntables I saw at the recent Newport Show. They remind me of the old Nottingham decks, but the distributor claimed that they have improved materials and better construction.

There is a new model, the Robin Hood, that is supposed to be available in July. I am waiting to see the reviews for this model. Judging by the pictures the new turntable looks great.
Bodotes, You wrote, "I was impressed with the Pear Audio Blue turntables I saw at the recent Newport Show. They remind me of the old Nottingham decks, but the distributor claimed that they have improved materials and better construction."

Do you mean to infer that the distributor admitted there IS a relationship between Nottingham Analog and Pear Audio? Is Notts out of business?
"Thinking about a Feickert/Triangle/Oracle/Hanss"
How about the Luxman PD171. This is what I plan to look at in this price range. The Feickert Woodpecker (table) is in your price range, but a good arm would take you over it. I have seen the Lux twice, but have yet to hear it. Bad timing at the Montreal show.... It's a gorgeous table IMO! It should soon be available in a new version that offers greater flexibility with tonearm choice. However, my dealer couldn't say enough good things about the current version w/the Jelco.
Here's the thing, we all hear different. As we age our ears change so one man's illusion of being there is another man's cd-like sound. It's really hard to spend $6K wisely unless you are willing to listen to all types of turntables to find out which "illusion of being there" is yours. If it was me, and I had that money to spend, I'd start with a Well Tempered Amadeus and an EMT TSD15 and really listen and see where you are. It's an incredibly neutral setup, titling to the warm side.. very tactile though so that translates to live. Easy to setup. At the same time maybe pick up a TD124 with a decent arm and compare the two using the EMT. If neither of those satisfy you try something that tilts to the more accurate side like a VPI or a Basis. It's a process. You'll convince yourself that anything you spend $6k on is great but you'll never know if it's the best for you unless you listen in your own system to multiple turntables.