Best digital converter $5k under

I have gone on a hunt listening to different setups and by far
The most balanced and , Hi tech,parts build is the Auralic Vega dac
It does everything including DSD,since i had the Bryston dac-1 i listened
To the new dac -2 my friends own both dacs Including the Berkeleydac-2
This dac was developed from several Swiss firms and Taiwan,Hong kong.
The clock is the lowest jitter I have ever seen listed under$10k
It is as good or better sounding then anything Under $8k IMO. It has a very natural warm balance, superb imaging and micro dynamics and excellent sound staging.even my vinyl friends were very impressed and for under $3500 it is a no friend bought it after seeing a review in Computer Audiophile. I am for sure buying one this your homework
And build quality is as good or better then Anything out there even in the $10k range,that is saying a lot !!
The Ayre QB-9 DSD should be on your shortlist. It's an amazingly musical unit - I'm surprised the audio media haven't yet touted its performance.
The Ayon dac is a different dac altogether and doesnot do dsd
And is in some respects more analog then the many dacs out there.
I have learned as I have gone through several systems in the last few years
A dac in one system may be to thin ,or rich in another.for the Money
I was stating the Mytek is a great value for the money,not the best,
But in my setup very good.
P.s The Ayon has had so many problems I sold that dac,not recommemded
And their customer service stinks,my unit sat for 3 plus months before they fixed it.i spoke with a few repair centers,even $30k amps .
If you buy Ayon a lot of ??
The auralic I used from a friend is a bit more refined but the midbass low bass i like better with the Mytek,imo, the Diamond firewire is for sure the
Most analog natural especially coming from the Auralitti player.
Actually there are 2 new DSD dacs that are sure top of the line
The Luxman 06 dac, the Luxman warm and detail very musical for under $5k k.
And pppthe Latest DSD dac from Audio Horizons
Full vacuum tube regulated all hand built for $5k from an expert in the field
The Luxman is solid state, and the Audio Horizons is Vacuum tube.
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