To Vandersteen or not to Vandersteen

So. I'm thinking of floorstanders and though I've never heard Vandersteen's in the flesh, they seem to be calling me if I do decide to make the switch from my Reference 3A de Capo's.

Anyone want to sound off on Vans? The Sig 3A? The 2? Any recommendations?

Thank you. And please - no admonishments about buying speakers unheard. Both the Reference 3A's and the Triangles before I bought unheard and were delighted with both. I trust reviews and word-of-mouth.
3A's definitely need room to breathe. I'd go for 1c. 2's IMHO are the least favorable among Vandys.
^:-) Interesting, as I think the 2's are by far the best value in the line, and perhaps in all of high end audio!
The 1's just don't do it for me compared to the competition, and the 3's just don't justify the their cost increase over their smaller brethren 2's. IMHO, YMMV, etc..
"I never liked any Vandersteen's. I always come away feeling like I drank a warm cup of water on a hot day when I listen to Vandersteen speakers. They try so hard to not offend that everything they do is so totally mediocre."

My sentiments exactly!

I had the original 2C way back in the mid-1980's and listened to them for many years. Don't think I could live with them now, although in fairness, I've never heard the newest models and there have been many upgrades since then! As others have stated, they don't offend but may not excite, either.
They needed a lot of breathing room to the rear and sides and very careful placement, IIRC. When we finally added on a room and I got the chance a few years ago to take the rig out of mothballs, my wife nixed them. They are, shall we say, aesthetically challenged and not the greatest in a smaller room unless all you use it for is listening, because, again, they need to be pretty far out from the wall and can be pretty imposing looking.