Is there any 50W 300B SET monoblock out there?

Why can't manufacturer build a more powerful 300B SET monoblock?
Thanks Granny, WRM and Rodman...It took me a year of careful planning and building but I hope to enjoy them for the rest of my life.
I have been told by a designer that doing parallel single ended is not that easy to do and somewhat defeats the benefits of a simple single-ended circuit. It is hard to get twin output tubes to behave correctly in parallel and a very high demand is placed on exact matching of the tubes. A lot of SET purists also think that the operation of more than one output tube detracts from the purity of the sound of a good SET amp. I would also bet that there is more complexity and sources of sonic degradation from the additional demands on the driver tubes/circuit as well.

For something like 50 watts, one would be looking at four 300Bs in parallel--I know of only designs that work with two. There must be a good reason why one does not see four output tube parallel designs even for cost-is-no-object designs.
Jwm, thanks for the compliment but I'm not planning to make any commercially, for a few reasons. First, I have a demanding full-time job that I'd like to do for another 8 years or so. Second, the amps cost ~$12k just in parts, some of which are painstakingly hand made, such as the teflon tube mounts. Third, the plate voltage on the 833C is 2.3kV...I shudder to think of the potential liability lawsuits if a customer's dog, cat or child (or self) did something stupid.

That said, anyone near central NJ who is curious about the sound is welcome to visit for a demo. Just pm me to set up a listening session...but I won't build you one, that's up to you!