Best Integrated amp for my ProAc

Could you let me know that a Best Integrated amp for my ProAc Tablette Anniversary, please.

source: Vinyl, LINN DS
Speaker:ProAc Tablette Anniversary
PreAmp:Rega Phono, LINN WAKONDA
PwrAmp:LINN LK140
TT:Rega RP6
Dear Ctsooner,

How about your ProAcs? My ProAcs, I love them...
BTW, I never heard Onyx integrates...
The Proac Tablettes are truly great sounding speakers for the price/size. My local dealer has hooked them up to some silly expensive electronics for shootouts, and with each incremental improvement of components, such as a better DAC, the difference can clearly be heard. This attests to the ability of the speaker.

I have heard them sound particularly nice with the tube integrted amps from the Italian firm Synthesis. I have not heard them with other reasonably priced gear, but, I bet they would sound decent with a wide range of gear. They seem to be quite tube friendly even though they are not very high in efficiency.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Audio Research--a match made in heaven with ProAcs. I have an old CA-50 ARC integrated with my ProAc D15's, used to run it with my SC-1's, sounds fantastic.
Kazuhito I was saying for you to look at possibly using a vintage tube/ss receiver instead of using an updated integrate. The best
Hi ALL, Thank you for your a lot of kind comments.
I have asked to ProAc UK about their reference amp. It was Naim, Sugden Master ClassA, Primare, Audio Research and Jadis.

Also I have had a few of tube amp with Proac Tablettes. i.e. Leben cs600 etc... I had negative impressions of this combination.
Maybe I was unskilled/inexperienced with tubes...

In this time, I would look to a brand new amp like a vintage.
How about Sugden A21a? Sudgen is UK famous Brand for Pure Class A.

The following Link is a video, it’s conbination Proac Tablettes with Sugden A21a.
I would like to know your comment about this sound if you are possible. please.

Dear Schipo,
Thank you for your again. I had understood what you was saying. I would look at possibly using a vintage by your suggestion.

Dear Sc53,
I know that Audio Research is famous for valve amp. Its sound is very very GOOD! But its cost is VERY expensive for me. My budget for a amp is $2,000.-.

Dear Larryi,
I am very pleased that you know Proac Tablettes are truly great sounding. I really think so too. I’m very sorry that I couldn’t the Italian firm Synthesis you said on the internet.