best wife friendly monitor?

Choosing between Thiel PCS, B & W 805's, or Tyler Acoustics Taylo reference for our living room full of antiques. Driven by Rotel 1070/1080 combo with Rega Planet 2000. Eclectic listening habits with a 2000+ cd collection.I have been known to crank it up when the little lady is out. Want to enjoy my hobby while maintaining marital bliss!
B&W signature 805's. Contrary to Classicall's opinion above, having had/have two pairs of B&W speakers, they are hands down the best WAF I've owned and garnered the most positive responses of any speakers I've had.
Is yours for a while if you need it. My wife prefers anything small and matching the existing decor, I tell you what: Do this, select what you like, narrow it down to 3 and let her pick, she'll be involved and has buy in, so she can't complain later, that one usually works. And--- if she want to change the decor you're open to an upgrade.

cheers, and good luck

My Onix Ref 1's in Birdseye Maple are absolutely gorgeous speakers. The only monitors I think look better would be the Sig 805's, which cost much much more. Also I like the Opera suggestion, and would probably add Totem as well.

My Harmonic Precision Caravelles from Star Sound, had a very high WAF. The fact they they were black posed a bit of a problem, for her. She got through it, and after seeing the stands: I was set free. BTW, they sound pretty good, as well... peace, warren
Based on your CD collection I would upgrade your CDP so you can really enjoy your large CD collection