Best Speaker Match for JC-1's : VMPS or Von S.?

I have pretty well narrowed my choice of speakers for my Jc-1's to two models: The VMPS RM30 and the Von Schweikert VR-4 JR.
Between the VMPS RM 30 and the Von Schweikert VR-4 JR,Which would you recommend as matching best with my Parasound Halo JC-1 monoblock amps, and having a similar sonic signature to the amps?
Also has anyone out there heard both of these speakers?
If so, what were the sonic differences, sonic advantages, and sonic disadvantages of them compared to one another?
Thanks for your help and advice!
I can say that I know the VMPS speakers will enjoy the current. I run a Parasound HCA 3500 with mine. Tried a Marsh A400s at 200wpc and the bass would get loose if it was loud. I also know Brian's speakers will handle alot of power (on my second set). I haven't heard the Von Schweikerts or the RM 30's but I have heard the 40's and they are mind bogglingly good for the money. If I were you I'd go listen to both and see which speaker I liked best. The VS is also supposed to be a great bargain but it's really upto your personal taste. As a matter of fact I'd like to hear your impressions due to the fact I may buy a new set of speakers next year (probably RM 40's). Be sure to mention the acoustic environment they were played in too. Thanks
Thanks a million for the lone response to my thread.
I appreciate your time very much.
As a VMPS dealer I think you can guess where my reccomendation might lie.

But I have heard "both" speakers and they both are incredible and each have their own sonic personalities.

I really like the VS and would also say that in a well treated room you could very easily live with both speakers.

I would suggest that the VS would have more "dispersion" which would give you a larger sweet spot, with degraded imaging (notice I didn't say bad imaging)

The RM30 with its more limited dispersion would have a slightly smaller sweet seat, but "razor sharp" image and stage.

Both will play quite loudly without strain. Both are quite atractive depending on your aesthetic sense.

Both have similar bass capability and will be subject to placement and set up.

The RM30 has "adjustabilty" to the midrange and HF drivers making it more adaptable to "specific" preferences and requirements.

Again, I quite like the VR-Jr and in a recent listening session, felt that it offered one of the most pleasing of listening experiences (with the associated equip).

I beleive the RM30 is less expensive, even with most of the option/upgrades (when purchased through a dealer)

So, again I would say that neither would make you unhappy, but if price and imaging are at the top of your list, the RM30 might have the edge.