Audio Artistry Beethoven - heard it?

Has anyone owned or heard this speaker. According to one who should know, it is the only speaker to outperform the Quad 63 and Apogee Scintilla for what they do, openness, naturalness, and overall loveliness of sound on acoustic music.
I think you can still order them. Try their website (
Thank you for your responses. I agree with all of you, but one thing, Albertporter. The Scintilla is, compared to the Quad 63, the better of the two, IMO.
Muralman1, that's why there are choices.

I could not own the Scintilla, especially after hearing Soundlab. The Quads are error by omission. Not the bandwidth of Scintilla or Soundlab, but what they do, they do nearly perfect.
Audio Artistry is still active and makes both Dvoraks and Beethovens and are soon to release a new speaker.
As a owner of both Dvoarks and Beethovens I can say that they are among the worlds best speakers.
Unfortunatly the web site is inactive, but If you want to contact AA email me.