Dunlavy SC-IV vs. Aerial 10T characteristics

I was wondering if anyone has compared or owned these two speakers?

What charateristics would be different between these two speakers, in other words,what will I get from one speaker that I will not get from the other?

Your insights, views, or speculation is welcomed.

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That "Bow Tie" may be the shape of things to come. John Dunlavy told me that he is just waiting for consistent high quality high bit digital chips, so that he he can mass produce such a speaker. The shape is supposed to present a better sound stage. More interestingly it will do away with his patented stepped driver array. The drivers will be time aligned via digital cross-overs with digital tri-amplification. This new baffle will help reduce lobbing effects. The new approach will cut the time and labor it takes for him to bring speakers to his quite demanding specs. At first these will be cost no object, statement products. But, the trickle down effect might be fast and furious. We may be on the horizon to better, more consistent products at a markedly lower price. I hope and wait with baited breath.
Ahhh, we audiophiles junkies! Always waiting for a new wallet busting fix! Hell bring on the good stuff, I want a hit too. I will have to hear any digital speaker though. The ones I've heard from Meridian for example are good but not my first choice. I have two uncles that are well know jazz musician so I can tell you for sure that nothing digital is providing the best sound right now. A master TAPE can still wax SACD. But I do love SACD. Still I wouldn't want the resolution of my speaker limited by the current state of digital chips.
Bulldogger, you might want to check out what TacT is doing beyond "the current state of digital chips".
Thanks to all for responding. I have found what most say here, and in using some of your words:

I agree that the Dunlavy SC-IV (an amazing speaker) is superior to the Aerial with vocals, jazz, and others just can't be beat. That said, kick in some Santana, or other rock and/or heavy blues/jazz and they doen't seem to be able to hang out with the Aerials.

"Coherence", definitely with Dunlavy, while the "impact" edge seems to lean towards the Aerial.

The one HUGE benefit I have with the Dunlavy, is with their 'lack of bass' (which I think is a touch light, possibly improved with the "A" version) is GREATLY enhanced since I have the option to use a pair of the Aerial SW-12's!

As you can tell from my gear, California Audio Labs CL-2500 amp, processor, and dvd/cd, I am geared towards HT more so than music, thus my decision to keep the Aerials.

One thing is for sure, going through the listening tests/comparison between these two fabulous speakers has been enjoyable!!

Thanks again for your input!!

Congratulations, sounds like your going to be happy! Yes the A's go down deeper and better. I think the Aerial's might still be better in this regard. As I've said before I'm more of a 2 channel guy, but if I were to go your route I think I'd do the same and go with the Aerials. Enjoy.