Best CHEAP floorstanders?

What are the very best biwireable / biampable floorstanders, 90 dB efficient (or better), that have a RETAIL price of $750 (or less)?
Give a listen to the PSB's and the NHT 2.5i's. Both are good but the NHT's have considerably more bottom end. I have listened to both, but preferred and purchased the 2.5i's.

Some find the NHT's 'bright', but this has a lot to do with associated source, wires and amp. ...A good match is a must.

If you are considering the 2.5i's make certain that you already have (or attain) enough amplifier power. The 2.5i's need an amp with serious control (damping factor). When I first owned my 2.5i's I got away with 70 watts via a Sim Audio I-5 & Rega Planet, paired with Goertz MI-2 wires. Despite being low wattage the I-5 did an admirable job of controlling the 2.5i's. BUT… if you really want the 2.5i's to perform at their full capabilities give them 200 watts a side. It doesn't have to be mega-buck brand X name power (NAD would probably do for you - re: your bang to buck request).

Prior to getting rid of the 2.5's on a whim I bi-amped them with 285 watts (into 6 ohms)to the woofers and 180 watts (into 6 ohms) to the mid/tweeter section. It was in a word amazing! Everything improved. ...And though some would say this is overkill I would tell those folks that it took quite a few thousands more to make a difference that was head and shoulders better in all respects.

There isn't much out there that can touch the 2.5i's for the $... especially for the prices you can find online. While the 2.5i's are far from perfect (need so much power) you can improve the sound quite dramatically with upgrades (as finances permit) all it takes is the $, time and patience. And THAT is quite a bit of the fun of it all.

As for others if you can... also check out the Meadowlark Kestrel/hotrod or Totems (though more $ to performance ratio).

Have you considered the Meadowlark Kestrals? Though not 90db they are easy to drive and sound great. Transmisson line and the xover is on the bottom of the cabinet. You should be able to find a used pair for the price you stated. Excellent spkr for the money.
I second the recomendation for the Meadowlark Kestrel. They are also quite easy to setup.
Tannoys release of their Mercury M-series brought them back to the top sellers list in the European market:

Take a look at the MX-4, which runs about $730 for a 91db 8ohm floor stander... pretty nice looking as well

Or, their MX-3 at $530... however, I believe its rated at 89db...also 8ohm...

Then their is Axiom Audio... a Canadian company I believe..their Millennia M40Ti comes in at about $470 for a 93db, 8ohm floor stander...

You specifically asked for a $750 RETAIL CAP, so that is what I provided... You have plenty more choices in the used market...good luck