Bookshelf sized-cost no object

I'm looking for a bookshelf sized speaker for home office. Cost no object. 2 channel now possibly expand to multi DVD-audio or SACD.

Any suggestions? Thanks
Ag insider logo xs@2xlesteryoung
Have a listen to the Dynaudio 1.3SE, Sonus Faber Guanari (sp) Homage and the Krell LAT 2. They are all exceptional small speakers and personally I feel the the 1.3SE is the best value of the bunch but if cost is no object...
Throw in my vote for the Proac 1SC. They were incredible for their size, especially when driven by all tube gear.
Try the ProAc Tablette 2000 Signatures. Same appointments as their 1SC, i.e. same tweeters and mitchell binding posts but with slightly larger woofers and larger premium finished cabinets. Best of all, the price is lower @ $1,700 than the 1SC but who cares, right? A hidden gem.