Dedicated cdps that excel in vertical soundstaging

Any players at the 1k used level that excel in this area? I have found many that due l-r and front to back imaging...few add height...thanks...
realistic soundstage? realistic imaging? I never quite understand that. the only way a soundstage can be judged as "realistic" is to have a recording of a live (acoustic) performance, and know exactly where all the muscians were playing on the stage. Seems to me, other than that, soundstage/imaging are as "realistic" as the sound engineer's mixing board....
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Tvad, what I don't understand, however, is how do you know that your "visualization" is accurate if you weren't at the performance? How do you know where the musicians were set up? Or, does it matter?
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You were the one who mentioned "realistic" soundstage. Not realistic sound, but realistic soundstage. I was just wondering what your referrent was. Obviously, from your post, you do not have one. Whatever floats your boat....peace, warren