Dedicated cdps that excel in vertical soundstaging

Any players at the 1k used level that excel in this area? I have found many that due l-r and front to back imaging...few add height...thanks...

Showing 5 responses by warrenh

You were the one who mentioned "realistic" soundstage. Not realistic sound, but realistic soundstage. I was just wondering what your referrent was. Obviously, from your post, you do not have one. Whatever floats your boat....peace, warren
vertical imaging? guitars from the basement? From the ceiling? no way. looking for a cdp to get vertical imaging for under $1k? I don't think you'll find one for $15k that will help you. Placement of your speakers: and that's a big maybe for vertical imaging...peace, warren
I forgot to mention. I don't believe there is such a thing as vertical imaging. Where do you expect these instruments to come from? I've been to a whole lotta jazz clubs, living in the Big Apple area. Never heard a piano coming out of the ceiling. Never heard brushes on a snare coming from way down there. Why would ya? Vertical imaging? I don't think so....
realistic soundstage? realistic imaging? I never quite understand that. the only way a soundstage can be judged as "realistic" is to have a recording of a live (acoustic) performance, and know exactly where all the muscians were playing on the stage. Seems to me, other than that, soundstage/imaging are as "realistic" as the sound engineer's mixing board....
Tvad, what I don't understand, however, is how do you know that your "visualization" is accurate if you weren't at the performance? How do you know where the musicians were set up? Or, does it matter?