GNSC Wadia Statement Mods/Heard Them?

I've got a 27 and 270 both upgraded to Reference status. 270 also has se. Thinking about Statement mods. Has anyone had this done? Can you describe improvement if any? If you could only do one, more bang for buck with Statement Mod on 27 or 270? Thanks!
Harry- maybe with Steve's statement mod, you'll no longer need to run your 270SE's output through a Apogee Big Ben (FYI-a BB review is now on ;-) Dan
Dan (Kana): You know me by now. As I always do, I will simply do a week or two of blind A/B comparisons of:

Wadia 270se (w/GNSC Statement mods) without Apogee Big Ben versus Wadia 270se (w/GNSC Statement mods) with Apogee Big Ben!!!

The winner will be the configuration that remains in my system. The bottom line is that there are often trade-offs and rarely is an absolutely clear answer when dealing with components of this level of excellence.


I have an 861SE modified to Statement level from the Reference level. I bought the 861 from GNSC and never heard it at the factory 861 level. I also went from 861 Reference to 861SE Statement all at once.

The difficulty with the Statement mod is that it takes some time to burn in. Immediate comparisons are not worthwhile. I can say that over time, the more detailed but not bright or hashy top end of the Statement is a big plus. Overall, the Statement just sounds more real. It is a top-to-bottom thing that is hard to describe in great detail, though I always worry about people who say this. So, I enter that suspect group.

My best advice is to call Steve Huntley. He is a very honest guy and can better describe the differences.