Mac sound quality

I'm using the new IMac , burning my CDs in AIFF . Its hooked up to an audio grade power conditioner , power cord and run to a Levinson #360S dac from the digital out through a audio grade digital cable . The sound quality is not nearly as good as my mid fi CD player . Iv'e read many posts saying this type of hard drive is far better than good quality CD players , too many posts to disregard . What am I doing wrong , the other posters were down loading , but can there be that much difference ?
Ah, Pettyofficer seems to have a fellow traveler in Nglazer.

We've got a movement here! :)
why dont you try and stream it wirelessly using a SB touch as transport feeding into your dac - that would eliminate all jitter and related output issues.
I just switched to the Rega DAC and synced Itunes to the ATV 1...I'm using a Glass Toslink cable. Sound isn't as good as my old Rotel CDP(running through the DAC)...just doesn't have as much attack and detail. Do you guys think this is a Apple TV thing? Would I have better luck switching to a mini mac(they seem somewhat affordable). Thanks for your advise.

Also, is there a way to get a higher output from the ATV 1? -- the DAC is showing the lowest level.
Yeah-Jdoris-I am going to start a movement alright. Goal will to relieve the constipated Customer Support of PC
Audio. About time PC Audio Manufacturers take a break from
counting Profits, and actually DO something to fix the
reliability mess their Products create.
"Apple Computers have been used in Professional Audio Recording Environments for more than 20 years". Great!
Put Apple in charge of PC Audio, couldn't possibly do any
worse! Current PC Audio Manufacturing couldn't possibly be
concidered PROFESSIONAL! I think even Apple can do better than a 50% Failure Rate! You guys just can't stand the idea
of buying anything that is reliable? Is reliability an assault to your senses? You prefer driving brand new cars off of the lot with all of the wheels falling off at the same time? Let me guess, you would be thrilled to take it!
Then all cars start being manufactured this way. You say,
"Don't buy it if you don't like it"! PC Audio=F.O.R.D.-
Found On Rack Dead/Fix And Repair Daily! Naahhh! I'm going to keep on bitchin about lack of PC Audio Customer Support!
I can do this because I am the Customer-regardless if I buy it or not! I am also a lazy Customer, so yeah, I expect
PC Audio Manufacturer to have to figure it out instead of me! Why, because I am the CUSTOMER, and it is what I do!
What do you do, other than sell the idea of unreliable,
missing instructions, failing PC Audio Equipment? I don't know! I don't think that PC Audio Manufacturers are going to send you their Profits thanks to your support. Thanks for throwing the rest of us Customers under a Bus! Crush
our Bones to make your PC Manufacturer Masters Bread!
Indentured Servitude to PC Audio, brilliant idea and very
Convenient. Who needs a stinking Emancipation Proclamation? Slaves to a Machine, now THAT is convenience!
Petty: Where do you get your acid and how do I get some? It's painfully obvious that all of your posts on this subject scream the same thing: You are scared to learn about computer audio so the easy thing to do is bash it.