Bi-wiring/Bi-amping...worth the fuss and expense?

Does bi-wiring and/or bi-amping justify the added expense of additional cable and/or amp? If so, why don't all speaker manufacturers (like Dynaudio) provide this capability? Assuming it does, is bi-amping meaningfully better than bi-wiring?
It all depends on the speakers and amps involved (as well as listening room size). A more specific answer would need to know these variables.

The advantages of bi-wiring may be situational, but to say that each wire delivers the same signal is misinformed or disingenuous about the arguments put forth in favor of bi-wiring - about which many people disagree.

The main argument is that having separate wires for highs and lows carries different signals back from the *speakers*, i.e., back EMF. It doesn't have to do so much with carrying different signals from the *amp* in question.

The Vandersteen site has one of the more concise faq entries on this subject.
I have the Dunlavy SC-5(s) and vertically bi-amp and, of course, bi-wire. This speaker design is very current hungry and equipment picky. There is a substantial difference in
dynamics and low bass performance I believe in the bi-amp arrangement.
Hi! My opinion? Well, bi-amping can be great with certain speakers, but makes little difference with others. Same holds true with bi-wiring - perhaps B&W being a rare "must" even by their own recommendation. Don't forget that some wire mfgs. offer a split wire in one sheath which isn't true bi-wire but is close and less expensive. If you do a true bi-wire meaning 2 seperate runs of wire, remember that you should use better wire for the tweeter/midrange and can use less expensive for the bass, but be careful of how you make this match since a mismatch can lead to some weird phase problems. I think that the best solution for most speakers is to get a great amp and pair it to the most expensive speaker wire in a single run that you can afford. This will sound better than bi-wire or bi-amp. Look for a pair of Transparent Ref. wires or Transparent XL or MIT Oracles. I have auditioned a lot of wires and still think these two companies are the best.
What about going with Mono Block?...Does going with Mono Block with Bi-Wiring Sound better that running with two amps
in Vertical Bi-amp mode?