Anyone else like to Listen in the Dark?

Thats right! With the lights off...! I guess this habit started once I went completely tubes! Besides beauty of the warming blue, purple, and orange glow...I can be taken away more easily by the music in the dark. I enter dream like states and my imagination runs wild. The music simply takes control and moves me!
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I haven't read the other posts so if I repeat, sorry.
Psychoacoustics is just that, the way the brain is interpreting sounds. The more diverse the input as to stimuli, I imagine the less efficient the brain is at interpreting the aural input. So, remove as much extraneous input as possible and our wonderful gray matter seems to perk right up to aural cues. A bourbon in hand (legal stimulant [depressant] of course) only heightens one's sensitivity to nuance, shape, tone, position, etc.
I really enjoy listening in the dark. Nothing gives me greater audio pleasure than firing up the Tenors late at night. That 20 tube glow is something to behold. I recently added Synergistic Research Designer Reference X-Series ICs to the mix so not only do the Tenors cast off a faint orangish light, but the interconnects wash the side walls with a pale blue light. God I love it! I wouldn't swear to it, but I know deep in my heart that the music just sounds better. It's like an audio-video extravaganza. Try it some might just come to like it too!!!
My cats really love it too. It's so involving that the interuptions of flipping an LP always come way too soon. It's so self-indulgent it's decandent. he he
I almost always listen to music in the dark. The soundstage is much more vivid that way. Whenever someone wants a demo of my system, I play a few cuts with the lights on, then turn the lights off and play Cantate Domino track #5 ("Hosianna"). After the music ends and I have turned the lights back on, the universal response has been a few seconds of stunned silence, then "Wow!". That's when they understand why I'm into this hobby.